Malware Classification

Using a CNN to classify MalwareImages

Deep Learning Project - Reproduction Study

In this assignment, we reproduced the CNN presented in “Using convolutional neural networks for classification of malware represented as images”* [1]. This CNN was then tested using 10-fold cross validation to determine whether we would achieve similar performance to the paper. Furthermore, we implemented nested cross validation to perform further hyperparameter tuning on the CNN. The best model architecture that was found was then trained and tested on a much larger dataset (~147GB) of malware images.


Malware Binary Images

Hyperparameter Tuning

Nested cross-validation was used in grid search to mitigate overfitting and yield a more dependable assessment of model performance. Regular cross-validation may lead to higher estimates of model performance because the model evaluation is done on seen data. Nested cross-validation performs an outer loop of cross-validation for model evaluation and an inner loop of cross-validation for hyperparameter tuning, ensuring that the model’s performance is evaluated on unseen data during hyperparameter tuning. This helps to provide a more realistic estimation of the model’s performance.

Number of Convolutional Layers Number of Feed Forward Layers Number of Output Nodes FeedForward Layer Output Sizes Kernel Size for Convolution Layer
2 [1, 2] [40, 50], [70, 90] [25], [50, 25] [5, 3], [9, 5]
3 [1, 2] [25, 50, 50], [50, 70, 70], [70, 90, 90] [25], [50, 25] [5, 3, 3], [9, 5, 5]
4 [1, 2] [20, 30, 40, 50], [50, 70, 70, 90] [25], [50, 25] [5, 3, 3, 3], [9, 5, 5, 3]

Running the code

After cloning the respository, you should have the following files:

  • This file contains the CNN class. You should not have to change anything in this file.
  • This file contains the logic for the nested cross validation. You should not have to change anything in this file.
  • This file contains the logic for the cross validation. You should not have to change anything in this file.
  • This file contains the parameters and transforms for the models that were used to get the results. You should not have to change anything in this file.
  • This file contains some paths to the datasets and in this file you also set some parameters that are used by and You will have to change this file.

Changes that you need to make in

MALIMG_DATASET_PATH and AKASH_DATASET_PATH store the paths to the MalImg dataset and Akash’s dataset, respectively. Hence, you need to set these paths correctly, such that the datsets can be accessed by the code.

CV_DATASET_PATH specifies the path to the dataset that you want to run. CV_DATASET_PATH should be set equal to either MALIMG_DATASET_PATH or AKASH_DATASET_PATH. Later will be explained how this variable should be assigned.

CV_PARAMS specifies the model that you want to run. CV_PARAMS should be set equal to either base_model_malimg, best_model_malimg, or best_model_dataAkash. Note that if you selected the MalImg dataset in CV_DATASET_PATH, you can only use the models base_model_malimg and best_model_malimg. Similarly, if you specified Akash’s dataset to be used, you can only use the model best_model_dataAkash. These model parameters are stored inside base_model_malimg contains the parameters of the CNN from the paper. best_model_malimg contains the parameters of the best CNN that we found in the nested_cross validation. best_model_dataAkash contains the parameters of the best CNN that we found in the nested_cross validation, but this model is meant to be run only by on Akash’s dataset.

The variables below specify the paths to store the models that are stored and loaded in Please set these paths appropriately.

INNER_MODEL_PATH        = 'working/'
OUTER_MODEL_PATH        = ''
LOG_FILE                = 'log_file.txt'

Our runs

To get the results that are shown in the Results section, the following runs were executed:

  1. Cross validation on base_model_malimg on the MalImg dataset

To reproduce the results of the paper, we ran on the MalImg dataset with the baste_model_malimg parameters. To replicate this run, set the following parameters in the file as follows:

CV_PARAMS = base_model_malimg

All other parameters are already set to the same parameters that were used to run it by use. However, if you need to change the batch size, you can change batch_size inside Once the file is set correctly, you simply need to run

  1. Nested cross validation on the MalImg dataset

Next, we performed hyperparameter tuning to try and find a better model on the MalImg dataset. You can replicate this run by simply running This will automatically run the grid search with the parameter grid stored inside on the MalImg dataset, with the same batch size, number of epochs, number of inner folds, and number outer folds that we ran it at. You can change the batch size by changing the variable BATCH_SIZE inside Note that CV_DATASET_PATH and CV_PARAMS are not used by, since this code should only be run on the MalImg dataset. Hence, you do not need to change any variables inside for this run.

  1. Cross validation with best model on MalImg

The parameters of the best model resulting from the nested cross validation is stored in best_model_malimg. Hence, to replicate this run, set the variables in as follows:

CV_PARAMS = best_model_malimg

And then run

  1. Cross validation with best model on Akash’s dataset

Finally, the best model resulting from the hyperparameter tuning was trained and tested on Akash’s dataset. To replicate this run, set the file as follows:

CV_PARAMS = best_model_dataAkash

and run the file.


Grid Search on Malimg Dataset

From the grid search a few observations were made. Below are the best models found during the nested cross validation. As can be seen in the table, the architecture with 3 convolutional layers performed the best. However, the architecture with only 2 convolutional layers was not far off in terms of test accuracy which was intriguing to see. Another thing that was noted is how adding 2 feed forward layers greatly decreased the performance of the model.

Best Parameters

Convolutional Layers Feed Forward Layers Output Nodes Output Sizes Kernel Size
4 1 [50, 70, 70, 90] [25] [5, 3, 3, 3]
3 1 [70, 90, 90] [25] [5, 3, 3]
2 1 [40, 50] [25] [5, 3]

Accuracy, MAE and Std. Dev for Convolutional Layers

Number of Convolutional Layers Test Accuracy Test MAE Std. Dev. Accuracy Std. Dev. MAE
4 97.27% 0.30 0.151 0.017
3 98.62% 0.07 0.149 0.004
2 98.52% 0.07 0.084 0.009

Hence, the best model resulting from the hyperparameter tuning with nested cross validation was the CNN with 3 convolutional layers, output channels [70,90,90], kernel sizes [5,3,3], and a single feedforward layer. Once we had the best model it was ran on the Malimg dataset in order to compare the architecture that the paper proposes against the architecture that was found through grid search.

Paper’s Model Results

  Precision Recall F1 Score
0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
2 0.999322 1.000000 0.999661
3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
4 1.000000 0.994949 0.997468
5 1.000000 0.584906 0.738095
6 0.936620 0.910959 0.923611
7 0.960784 0.980000 0.970297
8 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
9 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
10 1.000000 0.997375 0.998686
11 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
12 0.972603 1.000000 0.986111
13 1.000000 0.978261 0.989011
14 0.991736 0.975610 0.983607
15 0.993671 0.987421 0.990536
16 1.000000 0.985294 0.992593
17 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
18 0.993671 0.993671 0.993671
19 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
20 0.800000 0.812500 0.806202
21 0.765152 0.765152 0.765152
22 0.995086 0.992647 0.993865
23 0.979798 1.000000 0.989796
24 0.947867 1.000000 0.973236
Confusion Matrix Base Image
Confusion Matrix Best Image
  Precision Recall F1 Score
0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
1 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
2 0.999661 1.000000 0.999830
3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
4 1.000000 0.994949 0.997468
5 1.000000 0.443396 0.614379
6 0.892617 0.910959 0.901695
7 0.960976 0.985000 0.972840
8 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
9 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
10 1.000000 0.992126 0.996047
11 0.997680 0.997680 0.997680
12 0.981567 1.000000 0.990698
13 0.994505 0.983696 0.989071
14 1.000000 0.983740 0.991803
15 1.000000 0.987421 0.993671
16 0.992593 0.985294 0.988930
17 0.993007 1.000000 0.996491
18 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
19 0.987654 1.000000 0.993789
20 0.866142 0.859375 0.862745
21 0.818898 0.787879 0.803089
22 0.995110 0.997549 0.996328
23 0.989796 1.000000 0.994872
24 0.931315 1.000000 0.964436

As it can be seen both architectures results in very similar f1 scores where some families are classified better than others.

Best Model on Bigger Dataset

Once we found the best model it was applied to the larger dataset. Naturally the results are not nearly as good as the MalImg dataset given that for that particular dataset there are only 25 families and there are fewer images. However, the model still yielded reasonable results. The 10-fold cross validation of the best model on Akash’s dataset yielded the following resutls:

Folds Accuracy MAE
Fold 1 89% 18.68
Fold 2 89% 18.72
Fold 3 89% 19.08
Fold 4 90% 17.50
Fold 5 88% 20.00
Fold 6 89% 18.14
Fold 7 89% 19.20
Fold 8 89% 18.51
Fold 9 89% 18.68
Fold 10 89% 19.45
Average 89.47% 18.80
Standard Deviation 0.447% 0.657


  1. Gibert, Daniel & Mateu, Carles & Planes, Jordi & Vicens, Ramon. (2019). Using convolutional neural networks for classification of malware represented as images. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques. 15. 10.1007/s11416-018-0323-0.