Bellow is a condensed outline on my education and experience. For a more detailed version click the PDF icon on the right.
General Information
Full Name | Guillem Ribes Espurz |
Date of Birth | 30th May 2002 |
Languages | English, Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian |
2023 - present Masters
Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands - Currently have a 7.75 GPA for the first two quartiles
- Relevant Coursework/Experience
- Machine Learning (using TensorFlow and Scikit Learn)
- Path Planning (ORCA, MPC, RRT)
- Git, Github, ROS, OOP in C++
2020 - 2023 Bachelors
Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands - Relevant Coursework/Experience
- Data Analytics in Python (Numpy, Pandas)
- Siemens NX (CAD)
- Graduated with a 7.0 GPA and an 8.5 for the Bachelor Thesis
- Relevant Coursework/Experience
2023 Bachelors
Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic - Attended the course Cybernetics & Artificial Intelligence
- Relevant Coursework/Experience
- A* Search Algorithm
- Alpha Beta Pruning
- Markov Decision Process
- Bayes Classification
2023 - present Software Developer - Infrastructure (Robotics Team)
Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands - Implementing Path Planning (ORCA) in Rust
- Currently on track to compete in Eindhoven in 2024
Feb 2023 Hackathon
HackCodeX Junction Hackathon, Latvia - Worked in a team of 5 software developers in order to complete a fully working website which helps Alzheimer's patients remember crucial details of themselves by using the power of LLMs like ChatGP
- Ended up with an honorable mention
Open Source Projects
Coming Soon Nothing as of yet
Academic Interests
Path Planning
- Model Predictive Control
Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Support Vector Machines
- Random Forest/Ensemble Methods
Computer Vision
- OpenCV
- LiDAR Sensor
Other Interests
- Hobbies: DJing, Playing Tennis